Position size Calc

MURF ALGO tools help you to manage risks and manage yor deposit.

How to use Position size Calc in MURG ALGO

MURF ALGO trader has a great tool to calculate position size to make profit work for you. Position size Calc available in all plans.

Why do I need it

MURF ALGO has money management system, so Position size Calc helps to calculate which part of the deposit you should use for each trade.

How to use

Split total deposit to deposits for each asset. Calculate position size asset by asset. Fill yellow cell with deposit amount to one asset. Use auto calculated size for each trade. Your leverage size is taken from configuration part of Trading Diary (check how to use Trading Diary).

MURF ALGO Position size Calculator

Use position amount for long/short trades. Position size is without leverage.

Do not change loss position count number if you just start with MURF ALGO. This protect you from high risks.

Insurance amount with low risk loss position count allow you to make 8 losing trades in sequence.


Total trade deposit is $500. You decided to allocate $220 to BTC trades. Fill yellow cell with 220. Leverage is 5 based on Trading Diary configuration.

For each long trade you will use $68 without LVG and $68x5=$340 with LVG.

For each short trade you will use $68 without LVG and $68x5=$340 with LVG.

Let’s suggest that previous month you made $15 profit. Now, your allocated deposit to BTC trades is $220+$15=$235. Fill yellow cell with 235 and get new position sizes for each trade.

💡 This makes your profit works for you.
